
Are bullysticks fattening?

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When you give a bullysitck, do you give your dog less food that day?




  1. They do say that you should cut back on the daily food accordingly if feeding treats.

    Although I don't, the treat is supposed to be a "treat", how can it be if you give them less food.

    As long as you don't overdo it, like give them their normal food plus a handful of treats everyday, then there shouldn't be a problem with their weight.

  2. Well hello there Miss J!

    Ummm, I'm not sure if you're supposed to give less food...I don't. I give normal amount of food and the bully as a treat. Why, did you hear somewhere you were supposed to lessen the food? I'm always the last to know things!

  3. Yes, I usually do cut back on the regular meal. Red Barn bullies are about 30 calories per inch. I feed accordingly so my pups aren't over in Kcals for the day :)

  4. yes. bully sticks are made with meat and are completely edible

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