
Are businesses responsible for accidents on their properties?

by  |  earlier

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I was recently at a car dealership and damaged my pickup while backing into a parking space. I hit the bumper off a post that was not clearly visible. Is the dealership legally responsible for a portion of the repair costs for the pickup?




  1. Not unless they are negligent in some way. You would have a hard time proving that.

  2. no they are not responsible. you are. thats what the mirrors on your car is for.

    it MIGHT be possible that you can only if you can prove that it is NOT visible.

  3. I guess you would sue the home owner if you slipped on their side walk too right?

  4. It was not clearly visible because you were backing in instead of pulling in forward. You hit their property. The post didn't come out and hit you. You have no case.

  5. No because YOU reversed into it. If the pole reversed into you it's another matter.

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