
Are caffine and energy drinks such as red bull good or bad for weight loss?

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i am currently trying to lose about ten kilos and have heard different things about caffine.. some people say its good for weight loss while others say its bad. I actually find energy drinks to really help me to have the stamina to get out there and exercise etc.. are these bad? i usually have the sugarfree ones.

thanks very much!




  1. Caffeine is good for weight loss. It's known to boost metabolism. Not in a huge way, but it does make a little difference.

    Red bull is fine too. It's mainly caffeine and taurine (an organic acid compound. occurs naturally in the body and plays several physiological roles)

    Just look out for sugar. As little as possible on a diet. Take your coffee black and buy sugar free red bull.

  2. he amount of caffeine in these drinks will no doubt cause a lot of deaths. And after several people lose their lives to this unecessary boost, it will then be taken off the market. I would like to see it banned everywhere. For those who are addicted to caffeine and consume 6 or more cups of coffee a day and in between drink these Red Bull energy drinks are in danger of deadly heart rate increase.

    Pesonally I have watched my adult son's health go down hill after watching him consume up to 6 or more Red Bulls a day and at least 6 to 8 cups of coffee in the same day, and this is everyday. He doesnt eat as much, because he probably thinks he getting lots of nutrients from Red Bull, well I say take the energy drink off the market to protect caffeine addicts like my son.

  3. Abs exercises do NOT burn fat away from your abs! This can only be accomplished through a full body training routine that maximizes both your metabolism and your hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main secret revealed in the'Truth about Six Pack Abs Program'.

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