
Are cannabis seeds illegal in Thailand?

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Just need to know so I dont get busted if their in my case.




  1. No, just declare them at customs when you arrive.   Have a wonderful trip.

  2. Surprising as it may seem, the importation of hemp seeds does not have to be illegal. But you are well advised to inform with the proper authorities about the details.

    However, what you infer is growing the stuff yourself, and not to get into the rope business. Fine by me, but the Thai law is VERY severe.  You won't get busted and send off with a $500 dollar fine. Having a few grams of pot will land you for a long time in jail. Growing the stuff might get you many years (think: decades, not years) in jail.


  3. of cause!

  4. Yes

  5. YES all cannabis seeds are illegal around the world if u intent to transport from different countries in Asia the law is worse in Thailand u can get jail for posession till 25 years, in Indonesia u can get life sentence or hanging (case australian girl and australian chinese)

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