
Are casinos FAIR ? ? ?

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Are casinos FAIR ? ? ?




  1. Sometimes gamblers will feel they are not when they are loosing but they tend to forget whats fair when they are winning

  2. They are more than fair. It is when you put your money on the table, thats when they have an advantage.

  3. I'll tell you what I always told my son when he said something wasn't fair....the fair don't come but once a year, the last week of october, and it ain't october.  With that being said, the casinos don't cheat (at least those in the U.S.), however, they are a business, set up to make a profit.  There is not a single "house" game, ie.. when you are playing against the house, that the odds favor the players as a whole.  There are some games, where the house is a slight , very slight, favorite against the players as a whole (blackjack, 6 deck) is an example.  The individual player can take advantage of the close odds, and make money by playing properly (alot of people don't), remember, the vast majority of folks at a casino are tourist that have little, or no clue as to what they are doing. Fair is a relative term, if you mean "do they cheat" the answer is yes, they are fair. If you mean, "is it even odds" the answer is no, they aren't fair. You can win moneyat a casino, and if you play wise, and manage your money, you can over a long time too.  There is one little ol section of a casino where the house has no advantage over long term winnings, that is the poker room.

  4. it is a bisiness out to make money.  all businesses, unregulated, will do whatever they can to make more money.  the casino biz is strictly regulated.

  5. Yes, casinos are fair. Somebody stated earlier that the house games are in the houses favor, they were right, but who doesn't know that? I am a dealer, and the house i work for has never been accused of cheating.

  6. Yes.  Except maybe one or two in funny little places in the Dominican Republic.   If Casinos don't have winners, they don't have players.  Remember when you go to a casino table and win - the money hasn't come from the casino.  It has come from the people who have lost.  The casino are acting as 'bet brokers'.  They make a cut whether people win or lose.

  7. Yes. Casinos do not cheat. The games are designed to give the casino an advantage and over the long run it is impossible to beat a house game but that doesn't make them unfair since everyone knows that.

    If you look hard enough I'm sure you can find some small casino somewhere that cheats but you'd really have to look fairly hard.

    If you stick to major casinos the closest they come to being unfair is that they design the casino in such a way as to encourage people to gamble but again there is nothing wrong with that.
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