
Are catch phrases in video games copyrighted? Example, could I print "Killtacular" on a shirt and sell it?

by  |  earlier

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Since "Killtacular" is said in the game Halo?




  1. Yes, i think so. You would have to ask them permission, and they would probably want some percentage of your earnings.

  2. it's unique enough to be protected. The game is copy written and that includes everything in the game.

    "One of the days" Not protectable.

    "One of these days Alice" Protected

    "killtacular" Protected, it's unique

  3. If it's not a common phrase, it's more than likely copyrighted.  

  4. Yes a printing a copyrighted phrase without permission of the copyright holder could get you into trouble.  

  5. You'd have to check the copyright notice on the game, and/or contact the company.

    Often certain phrases or manufactured words (like this one) will be copyrighted, and if they are, using them for a commercial use will get you a call from the lawyers.

  6. If you put "Kill Your Television" on a shirt and sell it, I promise that I not only won't sue you -- I will buy a shirt!

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