
Are cats and dogs free-thinking, or is it strictly instinct that drives them to do what they do?

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I hope this isn't a stupid question.




  1. "Free thinking"..... you'd need to define the term.

    They are not self aware, that is they don't wonder what time was like before they were here, or after they are gone.  They aren't religious if you are using the term that way.  They have instincts, but dogs have been bred so long for traits that people value, that it isn't really a question that can be answered...

    As an example:

    People have bred Pit Bulls to be fighters, killers of other dogs.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars are bet on the outcome of dog fights every weekend in rural America... Arizona, California, Texas etc.  If someone is breeding these dogs, and one just isn't apparently mean enough it might be sold to someone as a pet.... then it might reach age 3 and tear of grandma's arm. that's what it was bred to do.....

    Border Collies are bred to herd sheep, or cattle.  Try to make a pet of one, and you might have problems... it is used to having a job, and was bred to have a job.  My dad adopted one, and came home one afternoon, and his new "pet" had run his cattle into every part of the farm... several just about died of exhaustion  from being chased  (cattle can't sweat).

    And some dogs are just bred to be companion animals.... all they want is someone to love them.

    Does this help?

  2. Cats and dogs can think freely.  everyday my dog gets tied up and everyday she tries something different to get out of being tied up.

    there thinking is more along the lines of trial and error

    they kno whats good and whats bad and they can also choose what to do...

  3. They are kind of like us, really. We are driven by instinct to eat, drink, have s*x, and so are they. I've had both dogs and cats as pets and I think they very much give thought to what they do and what kind of reaction they will get from it. Like us, they are loving when they want love, can be annoying when they don't get what they want, and when they are loved, they love in return. All my pets have always had their own personalities, and none of them have been very much alike.

  4. It's not a stupid question.  But the theological answer might be different from the psychological or zoological one.

    Theologically, man is the only creature with free will, the only one who can choose good or evil.  Animals follow God's law without thinking about it.  It's one reason they can't go to Heaven.

    Psychologically, cats and dogs make choices all the time, perhaps based on a simpler world-view and more basic motivations than we humans, but still 'free' choice.  When I put out the food for our cats, Sadie the little fat-cat will run up and begin chowing down immediately.  Zack, our more 'aloof' male cat will look and sniff and turn up his nose.  He doesn't want to appear too eager.  But as soon as I leave he'll come back and eat.

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