
Are celebs/rich people selfish with their money?

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I know that if I had say 1 billion dollars/pounds I would just keep like 100 million.. which is more than anyone would ever need and then use the rest to help poorer countrys.

Dont you think that if all these rich people did this the world would be a better place?




  1. You have 100 waking hours in a week. How about you spend 1 hour helping the poor, e.g. volunteering at a soup kitchen in your area.?

    PS I do volunteer work. And I do not tell others what to do with their money.

  2. Many are but some are not-its' more of a power thing beyond a certain point- Warren Buffet recently pledged 30 billion dollars to the gates foundation. I always feel they should give something to the people who helped them get that way-like bonus's for the common workers instead of everything always going to CEO's, charities,maybe 10% to workers. One thing I've noticed about the dozens of wealthy people I have worked for-they are far less likely to ,say, have cold drinks on a hot day than the average people that I have worked for and the older the money the more this tends to be true. They seem to have less compassion or maybe understanding for the average Joe- but they will be generous to my Boss for pushing us to finish a job early. The rich are different from you and me.

  3. I think that if everyone pitches in a little it will help, but money is not the answer to things and can't fix all the problems, people attitudes needs to change they need to learn to be nice, caring,and respectful of one another and be aware of others feelings (pain and hurt). Most look out for themselves and think only of themselves - very selfish. A few celebs giving 100 million/pounds is just a drop in the bucket. Countries should want to care for their own and others that are not their own that are in a difficult situation - everyone needs help at one time or another with just the basics (food, shelter and clean water). Sometimes it just takes some nasty things to happen for people to realize that they should help and be able to receive help from others. I can't see someone starving and overlook it, if I don't help out as much as I personally can, then I consider myself guilty of murder.  I can't fix everything and i know that but, I do try and I don't make a spectacle of myself and let everyone know I do it quietly and take no credit, it is not for myself that I do things, it is for others and the greater good.

  4. of course it would

  5. No.

    The two richest men in the world, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, gave half of their money to charity. I think a lot of the real rich people do.

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