
Are cell phones evil?

by Guest67154  |  earlier

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they cause cancer and kill bees and explode gas stations




  1. Cause brain tumour as many people have you heard about that recently had a brain tumour

    Cell phone = tumours

  2. Cell phones do not cause explosion in gas stations, that myth was busted by the Mythbusters in Discovery Channel program. It's the static electricity that causes this so it's a good idea to touch the car while getting out of it to ground yourself before going anywhere near flammable fumes.

    Cell phones are just a tool, evil comes from the intent of the one using it, if it's used for evil purposes or not, like spreading lies and nasty rumors and making it trigger explosive devices to harm people.

    If in the future it's conclusively proven that cell phones do kill bees and cause cancer that doesn't necessarily make it an evil invention because that effect was unintended.

    If you think about it, how many lives have the cell phone saved?

  3. One of the most evil thing,  invented in modern day.

  4. well mine bit me on the oops never mind come to think of it that wasn't a cell phone.

  5. No, they're not evil on purpose. Only when PEOPLE use them the wrong way.

    They kill bees? That's awesome!!

  6. Big charges need concrete evidence.  Please provide links to the studies.

  7. Wow, I didn't know they did all that stuff.  I was just thinking they cause people to be very distracted and disrespectful.

  8. No. People just abuse them.

  9. No, they're not evil, just annoying.  I refuse to get one.  I'm amused at how many people act as though they couldn't possibly live without it.  Too many of them use it for nothing more than calling and saying 'what ya doin?'.  These are the same people who argue that they keep it for emergencies, yet have never used it for an emergency, hmmm.
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