
Are centipedes harmfull? Please help me sleep!?

by Guest65701  |  earlier

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I have seen couple centipedes in my room in smalls ones but today when I turned on the light I saw big one on my blanket, I was going for the sleep but since I saw that I am sitting here in couch and it is 1:54 am and I can't go to sleep. I know it might sound funny to you but I am a guy and still scared of that thing. It is so fast. What should I do?




  1. Get some raid spray all around the base board real heavy they are tuff buggers to kill I hate them F***ing things with passion those and cockroaches   Look on line there are some that are poison but i don't so in the USA They do careful carry disease

  2. They are very scary, but they can't kill you or harm you for that matter.. They're actually beneficial since they eat other insects and spiders...

    But to get rid of them invest in some Ortho max spray! It's amazing. Spray your room with it, or even better your entire house! And you should be bug free for a while.. You can find some at Lowes!

  3. they are not harmful they are bugs i would suggest catching the bug and put it outside and if they keep coming back i would find something to kill them with  

  4. yes, it is harmfull, but not too much like a snake, i know its already too late answer this question, but try to find them and remove them from your rooom before you sleep today.

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