
Are certain Asian countries modelled after China (politically)?

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Why am I asking? Certain leaders, especially a famous icon from Singapore, keep mentioning China, numerous times and seem to look up to China (as a kind of gold standard.)

…The power, the economy, I understand. But what I don’t get is, why would anyone want to emulate that particular political style (I’m not going to say the ‘C’ word, if you know what I mean.)?

What is your analysis of this?




  1. There are many countries which are built upon Maoist principles. Most are in Asia but several African and South American countries followed the Maoist pattern as well. Most people seem to have forgotten that during the Cold War China was as much engaged in socialist proselytizing as the USSR. But the West did not consider China a threat on par with that posed by the USSR and its affiliate states around the world. Additionally, Maoists like Titoists (Yugoslavia) were opposed to the USSR and formed ties with the West. Interestingly China is undergoing an economic transition from a purely agrarian based economy of Maoism to a largely industrial economy preferred by Stalinism/Leninism.

  2. One thing for sure China is the happening place and in the end it is the results which matter - they have controlled population and made money in abundance and have lesser law and order problems.

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