
Are certain foods and vitamines helpful in reducing stress?

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And if so, which ones?




  1. Vit B for energy a good multiple 2 times a day

    Valerian Root for stress..2 in morning 2 in afternoon

  2. turkey has a certain naturally produced vitamin that will help you sleep, thats why you always feel sleepy on thanksgiving...

  3. You can purchase vitamins that are labelled "stress," which contain a combination of vitamins and minerals that are, apparently, depleted whenever one's body undergoes a stress response.

    It is mainly composed of vitamins B, C, and E, but also contains calcium, magnesium, and zinc.

    See below, for one example.

  4. B vitamins and magnesium are important. There are lots of vitamins that would help, and good protein and Omega 3 fatty acids.

  5. Vit C. Helps with immuity... stress can cause immunity to decrease. Which can add mroe stress.

    omega 3: helps with blood flow. more easily blood flow= less stress

  6. eat a balanced diet, cut out processed foods & caffeine, and drink more water.

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