
Are certain smells really an indication of a haunting in your home?

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I am asking seriously... I think the ghost in my house smokes marijuana. I have smelled in on occasion just as I am about to feel a cold spot. Is this really possible for a ghost to do drugs even from the other side?




  1. Are you sure it's not coming from your neighbor's house? Or is there a kid living in your house that might be "sneaking" a few puffs? I have heard of people smelling pipe tobacco or cigars or roses (things that their deceased loved one used to smell like) . I think you probably would have already noticed if there was an ac vent putting out cold air in that spot.

  2. Yes, my kitchen is presently haunted with fungus

  3. No, first off a ghost wouldnt need to do drugs.

  4. You have in your house the ghost of Jerry Garcia.  There is no other possible explanation.

    But seriously, some people contend that both smells and temperature changes indicate presence of spirits.  This begs the question of how do they know this?  Answer: They don't.  They're just guessing or making rules about ghosts that seem to make intuitive sense.  There is no reason to think smells or temperature changes indicate the presence of spirits.

    This question has the appearance of intentional comedy.  If so, kudos for the sense of humor.  If not, consider what would be required for a ghost to smoke the pot in the afterlife.  Unless the spirit is smoking the ghost of a pot plant I'm afraid it doesn't (and can't) make sense.

  5. I guess if it was a  big part of their life.  People smell tobacco and perfume from ghosts all the time.  So what else does a stoner ghost do?  Just what the world needs, stupid ghosts!  Are you ever missing cookies and milk? LOL!

  6. Yes, they can be indications of a haunting.  Perhaps the aroma is indicative of something the spirit did when s/he was alive, or a perfume s/he wore.  In your case, perhaps the spirit did smoke pot.  Or, it could be the smell of sage.  When burned, sage does smell something like pot.

  7. Yeah, it could be an indication of a spirit. But the smell doesn't necessarily mean they do it on the other side, though I'm not sure they don't, but I tend to see it as more of an indication of their character. For example, my grandfather was an avid coffee drinker, drank it all day long... so when he comes, he comes with the smell of coffee.

  8. it could be that that particular spirit used to smoke when he was alive.. and he doesnt know that he is he continues to just smoke.. i dont know for sure but i think thats the reason.. a friend of mine claimed that he not only smelt smoke but also saw a man smoking at the food of his bed. they later learnt that their house was haunted.

  9. There are many people in jails all over the world.Mistakenly convicted when ghost marijuana was detected in there homes.Stupid police,they didn't believe in ghosts.How many other crimes are ghosts responsible for?We'll never know.

  10. yes certain smells can be attributed to visitations.I would look for more obvious reasons first for the smells I have encountered perfume smells of the deceased person mens Cologne cigarette and cigar smells in homes that no one smoked also be aware of bad smells such as rotting meat  smells very nasty smells first look for natural reasons but these bad smells are signs of demonic activity.As far as a ghost smoking pot it is unlikely that this is really happening but the smell of pot can be part of a residual haunting and this is why you are smelling it the spirit seemed to like to smoke pot in life cold spots are very much real and signs of paranormal activity.But like everything ,try and find a natural  reason for these things such as open windows things like that  good luck

  11. It's not that their doing drugs, it's a way for you to recognize them. Most people smell spirits first. Usually within the first 24 to 48 hours after death. (Their perfume, smoke ect.)

  12. You have a marijuana ghost?  Count yourself lucky. My ghost must have died from intestinal problems.

  13. yes, they certainly can be indications of hauntings, but first rule out natural things like gas leaks, plants, foods, etc.

    edit, your gonna get grief over the pot thing dear.

  14. Nope.  Smells can come from a variety of sources, but never from ghosts.

    i recommend "Ghostbuster Spray"... er... I mean "Fabreeze"

    and don't forget to fasten your seatbelt!

    chance of dying in a car accident: 1 in 18585

    chance of running into a ghost: 0

  15. no i dont belive there  s ghost smoking however i do belive ghost can carry a smell maybe its a person you knew ...dont be afaird remerber the devil is the master mind of confusion so ask GOD to remove it or revile it; its your choice .

  16. An odor in and of itself is usually never suggestive of a haunting, but taken with other otherworldly phenomena such as disembodied voices (EVP), apparitions, and, as you mentioned "cold spots", a smell of which the origin is unknown can indicate a haunting.

    Usually, the odor most associated with a haunting is a nauseous and profound smell of sulfer, rotten garbage, and/or decomposing flesh. The reason for this is i believe because most, if not all, hauntings are perpetrated by demons. They have tremendous powers to cause all sorts of smells, even that of marijuana.

    If the dead do come back i think it's pretty safe to say they don't smoke dope. However, demons can and do but only if they possess a human body.

  17. if you have ruled out everything else to as where the smell could be coming from.....the spirit of someone wouldnt be doing drugs...but from experience every person has their own smell... smokes, drink what ever they drank, perfume they wore, coffee, anything.. and their smell becomes part of their spirit when they die.. i dont know how or why but i do know it happens... and when their spirit is around or them wanting you to recognise them, wanting you to know they are can smell their pressence,

    a girl i spoke to a little while ago said after he father died, she could smell toast.. and he always ate toast....

    i could smell my friend on the day of his funeral very strongly..

    so lets say it is a spirit you are smelling.. he wouldnt be smoking marijuana , but would have smoked it  alot when he was alive, and you are smelling him, for what ever reason he or she might be there......

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