
Are chemicals used by landscapers safe?

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Are chemicals used by landscapers safe?




  1. Not all of them. But the fact is that professional landscapers probably are more careful about using the proper mix of chemicals vs homeowners. But I rarely use them.

  2. PROFESSIONAL landscapers by law can't use certain chemicals in some states, and in other places they must tell you the pros and cons of the chemicals they use.

    I always ask what chemicals they use and then do my own research.  I'd also suggest you research the landscaping company as well.

  3. not always

  4. Technically, yes. They have to be mixed in proper proportions. ANYONE who uses pesticides or fertilizers for anything but their own property, MUST BY LAW IN EVERY STATE, have an Operators or Applicators license.

    Chemicals used as fertilizers and pesticides, if mixed wrong, can be envirotoxic, meaning plants, animals, humans can be harmed, and can contaminate the earth and aquifers.

    Every state has it's own laws governing the use of agricultural chemicals, and those laws must be adhered to, although municipalities can, within the constraints of those laws, make them even stronger.

    Now, if you are asking if children or pets should be playing nearby when the chemicals are applied, no. The treated areas should be avoided for AT LEAST 24 hours.

    I am in college for a degree in Horticulture, and I have had to take classes on Pesticides and fertilizers. I have chosen NOT to get licensed to apply chemicals, for my own safety, and because I believe that we should learn to live without green lawns and perfect apples. Nature doesn't make them that way, why can't we accept the fruit that doesn't look absolutely perfect. If it was grown without pesticides, I'd rather eat that apple that has a couple of bumps on it, than to ingest the chemicals that made it look perfect.

  5. Chemicals used by the landscape industry and turf professionals are safer than they've ever been.  Strict EPA guidlines exist for the labeling and commercial production of any new product.  Usually this takes years and years to gain approval.  

    Also, applicators are more educated than ever before.  As mentioned above, all landscape firms must have a licensed applicator- who has passed rather rigorous testing offered by the state in order to use restricted and non-restricted materials.  Resticted materials are those which are most dangerous (to the applicator, environment, etc) and pose the largest risk.  For that reason states mandate that companies file 24 hour "NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY" to there adjacent county agricultual departments.  Once that happens, the ag commissioner can surprise the firm by showing up at the site being treated to inspect the application, the protective equipment being used, as well as the equipment doing the work (sprayer).  

    Most products today don't fall into this category and landscapers prefer NOT to be examined at there job sites.  

    Also, it's your right to kn ow what chemicals are being used and applied on your property.  With the internet, it's quite easy to do your own research on these products.

  6. i dont know but everywere i go people are spraying that stuff i think if that stuff is so good i think those people should drink the whole gallon of it they spray it in the water and in the lawns at the lake it must be good for grand children and dogs besides the spray it at the library and college so i would bathe in it or at least enjoy the gasoof of it isnt it patriotic to put that stuff in the aquafer its got to be good cause forgien people want to borrow our water

  7. Depends what you mean by "safe".

    Also - different landscapers use different products.  Some even practice organic methods (those those companies are rare).

    If there are some chemicals you don't want used - let your landscapers know.

    OR - ask your landscapers what they use - then look them up and decide for yourself.

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