
Are chicken wings considered dark meat?

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Are chicken wings considered dark meat?




  1. Chicken wings are white meat! I don't eat dark chicken meat.

    Check the color yourself.

  2. Chicken wings, like the breast, are white meat. The difference between white meat and dark meat is attributable to the amount of Myoglobin in the muscles. Myoglobin is stored in muscles that get exercise, because they need more oxygen. The more exercise a muscle gets, the higher the concentration of Myoglobin. Since a modern domesticated chicken is basically flightless, the breast and wings get very little if any activity, so the muscles develop very little Myoglobin. Where this really becomes evident is in flying fowl like ducks; the meat is more of a reddish color all over, which is why ducks are basically all dark meat.

    Another meat where this is evident is Veal, whose lack of color is due to the lack of exercise of the muscles.

    Nevertheless, when cooking, wings should be treated like dark meat, not white meat, which can get dry if cooked too long. Wings take well to long cooking times and high heat -- just like thighs. Just be careful when grilling or barbecuing, since wings are also one of the fattiest parts of the chicken and tend to create flare-ups on the grill.

    Hope this helps the confusion ..... = )

  3. Compared to beef or pork all chicken turkey and fish is considered white (instead of red) meat, but chicken has light and dark meat.

    Wings are definitely dark meat.

    The breast is the only white meat.

    I'm a chef.

  4. Legs & thighs are dark meat, b*****s and wings are white meat.

  5. no they are white meat

  6. Nope..they come off the breast meat....they are white!

  7. Nope, wings are white meat

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