
Are children able to cash their parents social security checks after death?

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My mom was on social security when she passed away. I'm in my early 20's and still a college student. I'm her only heir. Can I legally cash her checks that still come to the house? The money would be such a huge help for me to try to keep her house.





  1. You can cash any check dated before the date of her death.

    After her death, it's fraud.  Nasty penalties.

  2. Only if you want to get into a LOT of trouble. But Eric is right, if a check is dated prior to her passing, it belongs to her estate (you).  Sorry about your loss and good luck!

  3. You have to notify Social Security that she is dead.  If they keep sending checks you can get into big trouble and go to jail for trying to cash them.

  4. No, don't do that. Let them know that she died and you should be getting your own checks from her S.S. since you are still in school.

  5. no they shouldn't be sending checks social security stops when u die because that money is for you not your children or anyone else. if u ever watch the news alot of times people get caught with this usually in a more extreme way like hiding the body in a closet or something but cashing those checks is highly illegal. send them back.

  6. no. even if they were dated before her death you would still have to send them back.  

  7. No,you cannot cash her checks. They are to be returned to SS. Cashing her checks after her death is fraud.  

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