
Are children better off preschooled, day cared or home schooled?

by Guest34169  |  earlier

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Peace to you Gem!

How do I come up with interesting and varied questions?

Guess it's because I see through situations all the time, and my brain won't allow me to rest like most folks do.

I am results oriented with everything I do.

My interests are many, so I never get bored and try to fight boredom.

I think of questions and write them down, mostly while working on my full time job.

The question prior to this one I deleted because I had no answers within a day...Would you want to slow down the world just a little?


Keep building them small vehicles and keep having youngsters jumping in them for joy rides upon getting their licences.

Or, build them S.U.V.'s until they touch the sky so nobody else on the road can see a thing!

Gem, there are many flaws in our society, this question just touches on one of them.





  1. This would depend on the parents in question.

    My daughter is two, she can count to ten (when she wants, but usually chooses to skip 4, 5, & 7, apparently 6 is her favorite number), recognizes about 10 or 11 letters, speaks in sentences.  She says, "please", "thank you", "sorry" and "excuse me" when appropriate.  I couldn't even guess at how large her vocabulary is.   I work part-time in order to be there for her most of the time.  I may send her to pre-school for one or two days next year, I still am not sure about it.

    My sister was a stay at home mom, her kids didn't learn to read until in school, and still can't read very well.  Those children would have been better off at preschool, or day care, where someone might have set down and spent some time reading/teaching them.

    So, it really depends.

    As for home schooling, past preschool, I have to say I have met quite a few home schooled children and I am afraid to death of how they turn out.  In school a teacher teaches to the lowest common denominator (aka dumbest student), but with home schooling, the kids can only be as smart as the parent.  Scary thing that is.

    As for socialization, it is over-rated, in my opinion.  Many kids these days are spoiled little monsters who are not shown, nor made to use manners.  Wouldn't want my little darling spending much time with brats like that.

    Peace to you Leonard, and how do you come up with interesting and varied questions?

  2. Little ones are better off with their mommies.  Babies and mommies go together.

  3. That'll depend on the family.

    Ideally, kids would be in a sound family and not go to daycare or preschool, except perhaps as an enrichment thing (like some preschools here are only 2 or 3 mornings a week).

    Not all families are sound enough for this ideal to actually work.

    That said, we are a sound family and I do very much believe my children are better off having us raise them than a full-time preschool teacher or daycare provider.

  4. i think they're better off homeschooled because they can learn whatever they want, and at thier own pace.

  5. Well I assume you mean pre-school aged children.  Generally I would say being at home is best, the exception to this would be if the home is a poor environment, such as a place where the TV is the baby sitter all day.  In that case I'd say preschool.

    I homeschool my children, and in general I support it about 95% of the time, however, I have met one or two people who probably shouldn't be parents, let alone homeschoolers.

  6. I vote for preschool, and some day care.  They need to learn to get along with others.

    Home schooled is okay, I guess.  But, again, kids need to learn to socialize.

  7. home schooling u learn a lot im home schooled id know

  8. Home schooled.

    Kids under the age of 15 have a serious problem with separation from the family and it causes trauma.

    Especially under the age of 5.

  9. depends on the age

  10. Home with mom or dad until at least age 4. Then, preschool 3 times a week for half a day.

  11. huh??

    u go to preschool when ur little, and usually you go to daycare after that until your parents get off sork...adn later when your old enough u either go to school like most ppl or u get homeschooled..which is the better way to go ecspecially when u have the time and money


  12. Kids are better off with their families (provided of course that their families are loving, stable and able)

    Homeschool is the choice for us-more stable environment and plenty of socialization oportunities, despite what those who really believe homeschoolers never socialize will tell you

  13. Little ones need their moms. I've been a babysitter for some little ones and they missed their moms, period. No matter how many bells and whistles and love and hugs I provided, it all paled in comparison to mom coming up the walk at the end of the day.

  14. Pre-schooled, better instruction and with a purpose, to teach.

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