
Are chipmunks baby squirrels??

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Are chipmunks baby squirrels??




  1. No, a chipmunk is a chipmunk and a squirrel is a squirrel, they are two separate species.

  2. No they are not!

  3. Unfortunatly, no. They are closely related and most likely decended from the same species. They are both awesome though. Chipmunks have shorter tails and stripes, while Squirell have longer tails and solid fur. I like your question though.

  4. No.

  5. no they are a whole differen't type of species. Chipmunt will have the stripe down there back there whole life!!! but good question.

  6. No, they are different animals.

    They are commonly mistaken for the same animal, but in fact have different markings and habits.

  7. Nope there different Chipmunk are forest dwelling ground squirrels.

  8. no baby squirrels are baby squirrels and chipmunks are chipmunks

  9. no hun, they are a totally different species of animal

  10. No.  I have both visit my back yard, and some will take a peanut from my fingers.  Sometimes, there are both together, and when you see them side by side, you can see they are quite distinctly different.

  11. idk! but chipmunks like alven & the chipmunks r cute!

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