
Are chocolates unhealthy for bunnies?

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My friend has this really adorable bunny, and I keep feeding him MnMs... Is that unhealthy for them?




  1. Sooo bad!

  2. I wouldn't reallyrecommendd it... is the bunny ok???

    If she wants to feed it sweet stuff, feed it golden nugget cerial :D

  3. It's really unhealthy for a bunny to eat chocolates.  

  4. I Feed MY rabbit choclate all of the time. It doesnt harm them. My One always go hyper active. But this is not bad.

    Hope This Helps!!!

  5. yes!  

  6. Yes Rabbits should only really eat what they find in the wild, things full of fiber, and nutrition. Stop feeding the Bunnie Mn M's it's unnatural and unhealthy.

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