
Are chrysler sebrings good cars?

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Are chrysler sebrings good cars?




  1. yes i brought a brand new one last and have put 23000 miles on it no problem accept for a recall.

    consumer reports are a******s dont listen to them

  2. Yes, they are nice cars. If a car is not perfect people hate them. Mine runs great. i have had absolutly no problems. They get relatively good gas milage. I would definetly get one again. Chrysler is not the old 1990 chrysler that people think of they have improved to be one of the best car manufacturers!

  3. No better than a Neon

  4. I can give you one example and one fact.  

    The fact is that Consumer Reports Magazine does not deem them to be a reliable car, or a vehicle that holds good resale value.

    The example is that my father bought one a couple years back and traded it in after the first year for a Chrysler 300.  He lost a bundle too.  What convinced him to trade it in was getting stuck in the rain and the mechanism that brings up the convertible top broke.  He drove home feeling "like an idiot" as he put it.  People were laughing at him whenever he stopped for a red light.  My dad was trying his best to look cool, but he's half bald and the wet hair made him look like Friar Tuck.  Plus, the poor guy didn't know how to act, being so embarrassed so he just played like it was normal??

    Not a good car in my dad's opinion, lol.

  5. Not just no but h**l NO its basically a dodge avenger which is another p.o.s.

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