
Are cicadas dangerous????

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Are cicadas dangerous????




  1. no theyre just annoying but i heard lots are coming this spring

    oh yeah theyre pretty big for bugs

  2. Haha, only if you are riding a motorcycle with an open helmet!  Other then that, NO.

  3. Nope.  Just damned noisy when they get their mating groove on.

  4. Cicadas do not bite or sting and are benign to humans and are not considered a pest.

  5. DON'T PANIC!  



    Cicadas have no biting or stinging defense mechanism. They also are not poisonous, therefore they are considered HARMLESS to people and animals.

    Cicadas inflict minor damage ONLY to trees in the EGGLAYING PROCESS.

    For more information, please visit the following websites or your local library:

  6. just to trees and plants...not to humans...but they are gross looking!!

  7. Nope just irritating

  8. Not to humans.  They don't bite nor are they poisonous (just ugly).

    But they are dangerous if too many of them eat whole fields of crops across vast areas of land, because that might be the start of a famine.


  9. They may attack you if you try to kill them or something like that. (I know...) But they aren't poisonous or any form for dangerous.

  10. Not to humans.  They're just noisy, that's all.

  11. if taken intravenously, they can be highly addictive. but you should be OK if you smoke them.

  12. Not to humans.

    They make a good stir fry. And I like the sound they make too. Reminds me of being a kid in the summer.

  13. If they get caught in your throat, yes.

  14. NO, they are ugly but not dangerous.

  15. Conpletly harmless

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