
Are cigarettes in Mexico all that different from cigarettes in the US?

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I live close to Mexico, my family has always gone there to buy cigarettes and other commodities, I smoke enough to buy a carton and I have wanted to buy one in Mexico. I've bought packs there before and they taste different (some lights are like reds) which is why I haven't bought a whole carton. But due to the fact that a carton costs like 15 bucks there and 40 in the US is too good of a deal. But I wondered is there a big difference quality or tobacco wise between cigarettes there and here? Is it worth paying extra to get cigarettes that are made in the US?




  1. The biggest difference is what it is made from. There are different strains of tobacco with different flavors.

    Foreign countries are also known for adding strange things to cigarettes to give the product more bulk. In Mexico, they are known for adding dried leaves from other plants. In China, they add cabbage to the cigarettes. So on, and so forth. U.S. tobacco is better, because we have some of the strictest regulations on how cigarettes are made.

    Hope that helps!

  2. i really don't know, perhaps is because Mexico has more smokers than the USA, for example most of the young people in Mexico smokes, but for the kids in the USA smoke is not cool.

  3. Actually the brands are the same, if you buy camel or marlboro for instance it'll be exactly the same, maybe it'll be harder for you to get some flavored cigs or things like that but still, are the same, actually i think that many cigs in the US aren't made in the US, cause the cost of making the there it's higher, more likely in border cities, in Mexico you also can fine cheaper cigs, a pack of camel cost for instance like 20 pesos but you can get some Raleigh or Alitas pack ( mexican tobacco) for 10 pesos because they doesn't have filter, they taste stronger and are worst for the lungs ( if it matters...) Of course the USA laws don't permitt companies to sell cigs without filter, and the Mexico gov, it's doing something about that too i guess lately it's harder to find those cigs =P.

    In Mexico you also can find some cuban brands like Romeo & Julieta and aren't expensive.

  4. no, they both kill quite effectively!

  5. The difference is the price. This is the no-big-deal question of the day.

  6. yes, there is a huge difference in the quality. I stopped smoking when i lived there because the cigs were so bad, but have recently started again now that im back in the  USA, i will go back to Mex in about 6 months, think ill stop again, but i find the mex cigs unsmokable guess thats a good thing though

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