
Are citizens forbidden in sanctuary cities from cooperating with the federal government ?

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In a letter sent to Abbott this month, Rep. Frank Corte Jr. of San Antonio and Sen. Dan Patrick of Houston asked whether the Texas Legislature has the authority to deter local governments from adopting policies — or to invalidate existing policies — that hinder state enforcement of federal immigration laws.

Such policies "would include those that prevent local citizens, officials, or law enforcement agencies from cooperating with the federal government regarding a person's immigration status," their letter says. "Although federal law expressly forbids local policies that prohibit or restrict information regarding immigrant status, sanctuary cities continue to support such policies."

The lawmakers' letter doesn't name Austin. But advocates of tougher illegal immigration enforcement have labeled Austin and other cities as sanctuary cities, saying they prohibit local law enforcement from inquiring about a person's immigration status or bar local agencies from sharing information about immigration status with the federal government. Such practices make the cities havens for illegal immigrants and criminals, critics say.




  1. NO, teh Local government can not forbid citizens from following federal law.   Imagine what would happen.   Jim Crow laws would still exist.  

    Edit: I am always annoyed that there are those who want to weaken our laws and don't realize it cuts both ways.  Racist can easily abuse the local laws to create racist laws.    Weakening the legal system only makes it easier for the powerful to abuse the law.

  2. No, that would be illegal.

    Federal law supercedes state and city laws.

  3. OMG!

    How dare you care about your country and try to pull peoples heads out of the sand?

    Whatever are you thinking, trying to bring awareness to this fiasco?

    What are you thinking, demanding that the laws be followed?

    Jeez, keep this up and maybe someone will pay attention, we hope.

    You always make good points and have the researc to back them up.

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