
Are citizens of other countries laughin at us Americans fighting about our election?

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I know many US citizens could care less, but there are times where other yahoo answerer's from around the world laugh at us, They can't believe that we fight the way we do about Obama and McCain. Once in a while u will see someone from London or Australia pop up and laugh at us over the way we sling mud on our candidates. Have we turned into a laughing stock? And do u care?




  1. I dont think so..and they dont have the nerve to laugh at these repliers venting gripes in the open.each of the country you mentioned has their own share of criticisms.

  2. I am DINO the great!!!!

  3. Of course I care. It is a well known fact  that our politics are some of the dirtiest in the world, due primarily to the fact that our news media encourages people to sling mud. MSNBC, CNN, FOX, we can argue all day about which is most biased, but the fact of the matter is that they are all pretty horrible, and that is the news most people watch. Although you can't blame the people. Actual news, like democracy now and NPR are mind-numbingly boring.

  4. No, they are learning that democracy is an often raucous and messy process that somehow usually works.

  5. As an American they have every right to laugh, our election process is a joke, our candidates are clowns, and the vast majority of voters are stooges, and there's more than any three of them.  The real sickening part is, this is going to have to get a whole lot worse before it ever gets any better.

  6. It does get ridiculous sometimes.  But elections have always been like this.  Thomas Jefferson hired a guy to start rumors about John Adams.  Ironically the guy actually exposed the affair Jefferson had with his slave.

  7. Yes, sometimes I do believe we have turned into laughing stocks but compared to some third world countries that kill presidential candidates just to get the "other guy to win", what we Americans are doing is nothing really. I would much rather have the US known are the laughing stock than be the country that killed a candidate just to get "the other guy to win". And personally i really don't care after all the presidential candidacy comes around every 8 years or so.

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