
Are claims by the BBC that people are 'tolerant of the nanny state' true ?

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Personally I do not believe that. How stupid do they think we are ? They can fabricate as much pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo as they like.




  1. We are slowly being herded up into the corral, brainwashed by the media,and the politicians. Never in history have all our movements and actions been so closely monitored and modified by various methods.

    In many ways technology has brought benefits,at the expense of freedom.

    Who is the nanny state protecting? Nobody,it just gives more power to the state.

    We are our own worst enemies-We are in a comfort bubble of apathy.

  2. Dont mistake tolerance for apathy.

  3. we know what we are doing to ourselves. we arent stupid.

    were just too stubborn to stop things untill its too late.

  4. People in Britain aren't tolerant of the nanny state, so much as too idle or untroubled to bother  doing anything about it.

    We're a nation of sheep, happily sleepwalking into oblivion.

    The BBC are just one more reflection of this same sickness.

    By the time this country wakes up it'll already be far too late, this nation is doomed the sooner it crashes in flames the better. At least the pain would be over.

  5. hesus karumba ! OMG, USA media tells similar propaganda lies. Are there as many morons in UK as there is in USA ? If so then the One World Ordered enslavement of the peasants will be a reality soon.

  6. Some nannies are HOT!

  7. "Dr Hamish Meldrum, chairman of the British Medical Association, said it was clear the NHS had a responsibility to help patients whose heath had been damaged by bad lifestyle choices."

    What a load of patronising nonsense!   "Bad Lifestyle Choices" ugh I hate these phrases.  They are so in-vogue at the moment.

    And I really think that the majority of sane people really resent being told what to do by the Government.  I know I do.

  8. The BBC is contrlled by the Government...

  9. No, it is a nonsense headline, backed up by irrelevant statistics.

    The ICM survey shows that the public believe that the government has some responsibility for education and health. Wow! What a surprise.  I don't see where the "nanny state" argument comes into it.

    BBC reporting is pants.

  10. The BBC must, from time to time, show mild if annoying support for whichever we have.  Reason is because it is the who decide just how big the TV license fee will be and naturally, when Greed comes first, as it surely does at the BBC, they will bow the knee before any to get their grubby hands on our wonga.


  11. It’s a badly chosen headline for what is a serious issue.

    If the results of the poll are true – and there is no reason to doubt them it does show that people have a problem.

    It is not easy to give up smoking.

    It is not easy to give up drugs

    It is not easy to lose weight  and maintain that  weight-loss over a prolonged period.

    In the frenetic lives people are forced to live these days it is not easy to find the time and/or the energy and self-will to exercise enough (it may also be that there are too many distractions).

    People are finding it hard to maintain self-discipline and some medicines and treatment may assist.

    I thought the best part of the article was towards the end:-

    "People also have a responsibility for their own health.

    There will never be a "pill for every ill" and the health service will only cope if members of the public do their bit in terms of diet, exercise and alcohol."

    But I'm not sure that people realise this

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