
Are closet doors easy to install by yourself?

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Are closet doors easy to install by yourself?




  1. installing closet doors could require a drill and a masonary drill bit to secure the gliding rail(s)... If you have some handyman knowledge this shouldn't be a hard task at all since most new closet doors come with instructions on how to install them, if you are a beginner that isnt handyman inclined then this simple task might provide some trouble.

  2. yes if you know what you are doing

  3. Howdy me,

    Are these the same doors, referenced elsewhere as needing to be replaced due to neglect in the new house?  I wouldn't go with the curtain idea.  If you don't think paint will fix it, I'd replace.  Go by a Home Depot or Lowes and find which door you currently have.  See is you can buy a replacement without the whole casing, though I doubt you can.  If you get it casing and all, you can try to just put up the new door by gluing in dowels where the existing holes where for the hinges and installing.  When you get into putting up the new casing, things become a bit more difficult. :)

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