
Are clouds gas or liquid?

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Are clouds gas or liquid?




  1. clouds are both a gas and a liquid bec they contain liquid which makes it rain and that liquid is made up of gases so it is both! when it rains gods showering, when it thunders hes bowling, and when its lightening he got a strike or won the game!!!

  2. clouds are gas... steam to be more exact.   If planes had to travel through clouds of liquid they would be called  submarines.

  3. Many people think of them as a gas whereas they are a mixture of a gas and a liquid.

    Next time you have a fog, go outside with a black piece of paper. Hold the paper up ald look through the fog at the paper. What you will se is many tiny specs suspended in the air. The specs are water, in a liquid form and the air is a gas made up of the ususal components of air.

    Some clouds have hail in them but the above analysis answers your question.

  4. There gas but when it has allot of clouds it turns in to a liquid that makes it rain.

  5. You forgot solid...

    Clouds consist of water which has condensed from a gas to a liquid around a solid particle (dust, smoke, etc.) in the atmosphere.  Clouds can also be composed of ice crystals at higher altitudes.

    So, the individual cloud particles, excluding the tiny solid core, can either be liquid or solid water.  But the cloud itself is made up of millions of these and air in regions of low pressure...

    So, you could probably say that they're fluid, if not really gas or liquid.

    If you are an elementary student, just say gas so you don't get in trouble with your teacher...  I had a similar problem with a "senses" worksheet in 2nd grade... never try to argue for more than 5, even though there are (thermoception, kinesthesia, etc.).

  6. i would say they are gas but you might wannt to make sure, i recommin u google ur question or go to

  7. clouds are droplets of water surrounding a dust particle... if anybody says anything else they are wrong... there's no controversy over this, it's not like we dont know this fact...

    it's just a fact liquid water surrounding a particle of dust... (dirt, soot, what have you)

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