
Are cocaktoos good bird for kids to play with if they are trained?

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my aunt has a cockatiel but is a cockatoo better talkers and better for kids or what kind of bird should i get that is good for kids




  1. That depends a LOT on the kids.  Age, maturity level, how they have been raised to be with animals, etc.

    I would start with the cockatiel and see how they do first, and make sure they have had very explicit training on the proper way to handle birds.

    A larger bird like a cockatoo or other parrot species are never a good idea for first-time bird owners.

  2. If you have never owned birds before, then start with a Cockatiel. Cockatoos are for very experienced bird owners. The thing with birds is that they can be unpredictable and bite without warning. A Cockatoo bite on a child would be very bad. How old are your kids? Are you concerned that they are too little and will hurt the Cockatiel? If the kids are young, then maybe wait a few years before purchasing a bird. Cockatoos are very demanding birds and live for a very long time. They are very loud and require new toys for chewing frequently. They also become feather pluckers easily, if not stimulated and paid attention to enough. It would help to know the ages of your children, then I could be of more help.  

  3. How old are your children?  Birds are too complicated and parrots are too dangerous for small children, and no child should be the sole care taker of any bird.  If there is something wrong with the environment, diet, or interaction with a bird a multitude of behavioral and medical issues that are severe will arise.

    Cockatoo's are notoriously difficult birds, and I suggest a lot of research on the mood swings, dietary requirements, interaction requirements, housing requirements, and veterinary requirements before considering the bird.  They are very needy birds, and if you don't spend hours if time with them outside the cage, they can begin to self mutilate and pluck.

    The bite strength of a parrot can snap a broom in two with one bite.  Unfortunately, biting is common with birds for many reasons, and one wrong move and your child could loose a finger.

    Every bird is an early bird, and a parrot's cry can be heard from five miles away.  You will never sleep in again.

    Lastly, several thousand dollars needs to be devoted to a cockatoo.  The price of the bird, cage, equipment, and vet care can run you about two or three thousand before you know it.  Not everyone is willing to fork that over for a bird.

    I love cockatoos and they are one of my favorite birds, but you really need to be a bird fanatic with a lot of free time and money to raise one succesfully.

    Tiels on the other hand are great.  Hand fed birds are sweet and whistle and talk.  while no one can guarantee that a bird will speak, tiels are know to pick up your favorite catch phrases as well as mimic your phone or tv theme songs.  These little birds still need special care, diets, toys, cages, and vet care, but it all comes with a smaller price tag.

    tiels have a very long life span, about 20 years or more if taken care of properly, so your kids will grow up with it.  When tiels bite, it hurts like the dickens, but no one will loose a finger.

    Tiels are also less intimidating, though no less quiet, than parrots for kids.  

    If your kids do well with the tiel and your family feels like it has the time and money for another bird, research different parrot species.  Go looking and let the bird choose you.  there are some amazing little conures out there and some loving cockatoos and macaws too.  you'll know the right bird when you find him, but I would never ever suggest starting off with a cockatoo.  It would be way too overwhleming.

  4. I have a cockatoo and I have never heard her talk words but she does use her voice. Cockatoos will love everyone who is around all the time and everyone who takes it SLOW with them in the beginning. I have one who is 8 yrs old and it took me 3 visits to her home before she cuddled with me before I owned her. And when I got her home, it took her 2 months to warm up to me but she loved my husband right away. When my daughter visits my  home now, my birds tries loving on her too.  

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