
Are colleges from different states linked ??

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i took some classes in vt, but then in the middle of them my grandfather passed away in italy so i just quit and one day packed and left, i didn't mention this to the college or anything, Obviously i had failed all 4 classes ( i realize i should have called and dropped them, but i was all nervous and freaking out, i was "in the moment")

Now i am in indiana and i would like to get back onto track. I am trying to take classes at a community college and I'm going to go in sometime next week, If i don't mention anything about prior college experience, do you think they will catch me somehow? I am not really good but not really bad, about a low B or high C, kinda student.

I'm just really scared because if 4 F's get averaged in to my gpa ill never be able to get into purdue next year!!!

please help... please....




  1. The school you transfer to WILL know about the first school,  IF you used any type of federal financial aid at the first school. You will be required to submit all transcripts. (if you paid out of pocket at the first school you should be okay)

    Remember all federal financial aid has a GPA quality/quantity requirement. Meaning you must maintain a minimum GPA (set by the school) and do so within a certain amount of credits attempted (also set by the school). Most students are not told this until its too late.

  2. Even if they did know about it, colleges do not generally include grades from other schools in your GPA.  I seriously doubt that they will search out other schools to see if you attended.  There would be a cost to doing that, and schools do not want to incur that cost.  My guess is that as long as you do not tell them or ask to have credits transferred, they would have no way of knowing you went elsewhere -- unless it shows up on financial aid requests.  Even then, it is unlikely that the financial aid office and the registrar would communicate about it.

  3. I can fully understand your fear!  Most colleges (even community colleges) will ask for your full transcripts from every other educational institution you've ever attended so, yes, you will need to include that information along with your application.  Now, you could lie, and you might not get caught since they are two different states, but and this is a big but, if you do get caught, they can decide to turn over your acceptance due to failure to submit proper materials, use of deception on the application, and not a good character fit for the college.  So, don't even attempt to lie!  I was in a similar situation as you were- I got 2 F's on my transcript the first attempt at college.  I had to leave abruptly to go into drug and alcohol treatment.  I then went back 3 years later, to the same college and started over.  I was very lucky though that I was able to explain this to the college and they decided since I had to leave school against my will, they changed those F's to W's- withdraw, and my gpa ended up not being affected!  You may want to explain this to the admission committee, then call your former school and explain that to them, and if you still have the little card from the funeral or whatever, that will be your proof.  Either way, do not lie, because it could come around to bite you.

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