
Are colombian women a lot different than american women?

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I'm just curious. I' from Colombia and my husband says that hispanic women are different from american women, I try to make him explain that to me, but it seems that as a men he's short of words and explanations. How are we different, aren't we all women after all?




  1. They're different in that they speak a different language and live in a different culture.

  2. yah, they're from columbia. canada is the best. come to canada


    you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,and you can aslo get your question answer in Google Search in this website, which has already helped me very much.

  4. Hispanic women are more devoted to their spouses and to their families than alot of American women.  HIspanic women are very spicy also, they have attitudes that can be sassy.  Also I heard that Hispanic women are good lovers.

  5. Women from many countries in South America and Asia are pleasant to be around because they are normal.  Any woman who knows her limits (doesn't have a chip on her shoulder) is going to command much respect from most men.

  6. Colombian women have a bad reputation to other latinas. My wife is Panamanian and she thinks like this. I think I would give everyone a chance to be themselves. She only sees the ones who go there.

    Latin women are more romantic s**y and seem to be more fun to live with. I am Canadian. They are jealous more often and when mad they go crazy... that is the weak side.

    I love her very much and would never look at American women ever. Not interested.

  7. We are all women, but the way you are raised may influence your personality a lot. American culture differs a lot from the Colombian one, Religion being the major difference. Americans are mostly raised christian which implies a family that may or may not go to church at least once a week, and women may or may not dress with skirts mostly (or very reserved). While catholic churchs are more common in Colombia, and also provocative dressing as well.

    Americans also seem to be more outdoorsy and independent while Colombians, are more social and REALLY family oriented, since you may live with your parents until they pass away, either because there's no way for you to afford your own place or because you just don't wanna part from them. Hope this helps.

  8. every human being is the same, only difference is, there skin might be different color, and they speak different language

    because all humans are the same  i cant understand all this c**p about racism

    if i was in an accident and lost lots of blood,   i would accept  blood from different race,  if a colored person was suffering blood loss  i would donate my blood to save that person

  9. He most likely means different culturally.

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