
Are colon cleansings safe? what is the best and safest kind?

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Are these safe? How should I expect to feel? What is the best and safest kind?




  1. Just don't use anything that has burdock in it. My doctor said it was bad for you.

  2. Shawnna does not know what she's talking about:

    "EVERYONE has parasites living in their intestines such as tapeworms and flukes this is from eating meat, processed foods, and even eating undercooked veggies). "

    FALSE FALSE FALSE!  This is a LIE that the colon cleanser quacks tell you to get you to buy their c**p, but it it NOT true.  Parasites are RARE in western society and they do not go on without causing symptoms.

    "If you go to their website you will quickly realize this colon cleanse will help add YEARS to your life NOT take any way. Death begins in the colon you know."

    DUH - go to their website to read more lies!  h**l-ooo!!?

    They are trying to SELL YOU SOMETHING.  They will say anything to scare you into thinking you need their c**p!

    Many of these "cleanses" put stuff in them that LOOKS LIKE "Parasites" when it comes out! That convinces the gullible masses that they really accomplished something, and they go tell everyone else that THEY should do it too. This leads to even more sales for the unethical "cleansing" company.

    Colon "cleansing" is a new-age fad that has NO documented benefit.  Your colon cleans itself, every time you "go".  It is not safe, and it is not necessary.  The best and safest kind is just eating healthy and not obsessing over your colon!

    Do research on sites that are NOT trying to sell you something!

  3. Alot of doctors do not reccommend this type of treatment as done wrong, too many times or for too long can actually create more havic. You can get colon cancer for one - as well as rip the lining of your intestines.

    I would speak with your doctor - they would be my first approach. If you have any other medical conditions doing a colon cleanse can make matters worse for you.

    If you do not want to speak to your doctor - check out, search for colon cleanse and then read ALL reviews. Choose the one that has the least negatives. Do not choose any that are for longer than 1 week.

    Good luck!

  4. The great thing about colons...they are self cleaning. Enjoy!

  5. safe and feel great!

  6. It would be best to drink a lot of purified water and eat lots of fruits and veggies. Try to avoid dairy, white bread, sugar and junk food, and your colon will clean itself out.

  7. I am using Dr.Natura right now it is their colonix program, I actually am feeling better and have only been on it for 2 days. It is very safe and it actually kills the parasites living in your intestines (EVERYONE has parasites living in their intestines such as tapeworms and flukes this is from eating meat, processed foods, and even eating undercooked veggies). If you go to their website you will quickly realize this colon cleanse will help add YEARS to your life NOT take any way. Death begins in the colon you know.

    Edit: Well I read the 'detox myth' page and it claims that the weird stuff that comes out is due to bentonite or 'kitty litter' well only one problem with that, none of Dr. Naturas products contain ANY chemical with that name nor does bentonite have any other common or herbal names given to it that are inside any products of Dr.Naturas so please, although you are a skeptic you should do more research than just information trying to prove detoxification as a myth.

    Further more, I have just gone through EVERYSINGLE ingredient listed for dr.naturas fiber product and paranil pills and NONE of the ingredients are shown to have negative side effects on the body in the amounts provided in both products, especially no green slimy side effects. Also, aside from the internet I approached my doctor before starting the program and she informed me that at least 1 in every 4 people HAVE somekind of parasite but the number could be higher as they are not often checked for.

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