
Are companies hiding under the "green", "eco friendly", and "organic" mantras?

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Although our rain forests are being cut down at a faster rate than ever, nonrenewable resources are being depleted at an increasing rate, carbon diozide is spewed into the atmosphere with each new vehicle and industrial plant, companies have somehow found a way to divert attention to what is really harming the world by advertising their minor environmental accomplishments. As such, we hear more and more about how companies are "going green", or have a low "carbon footprint", or how their methods are "eco friendly". Isn't all of this yet another excuse to continue business as usual while giving consumers with short attention spans a "feel good" excuse to continue to waste and squander?




  1. Yes, the practice is commonly referred to as "greenwashing".  It has many manifestations but the ultimate goal is to convince people to pay more and get less.

  2. Wow, you really have an issue with personal responsibility. You're lazy, lame, and wasteful. Get a grip, seriously.

  3. I think it is time for us to stop looking at what companies are doing and take personal responsibility for our lifestyles and write our congress members and LOCAL political figures about the changes that need to be made.  All companies care about is profit.  They will change when people change.

  4. The green movement and consumerism are at odds with each other. o be really green means you are conserving and avoiding buying c**p you do not need. Companies that depend on us to blindly consume will be hurt badly by thjis paradigm shift. So they do what is called green Washing. they advertise "Green" goods that we do not really need in hopes we will continue to buy but since they have declared the items being sold as green we will not feel so guilty and will continue our destructive consumerism.

    It is time for all of us to quit sucking from the multi national corporate teat and start realizing we do not need these entities nearly as much as they need us and force change on them. Do buy into their snake oil.

    That said, there are some truly green companies out there though most are regionally or locally based

  5. They just do that so they won't get harassed by the new environmental fascism that's sweeping the nation.  It's like paying protection money to the mob.

  6. I absolutely DO NOT AGREE.

    While companies, especially the industrial ones have cut their energy use per tonne of product by 10 to 30% since 1990, private people in developed countries consumed always more energy and emitted always more greenhouse gases.

    Companies produce according to the demand of the market, and this demand is YOU AND ME. So I wouldn´t go on with the blame game here and acknowledge the efforts already accomplished by certain companies

  7. Rain forests being cut down is a human problem of hungry people trying to feed themselves.  If the governments would bring in and help industries that employee these people then this would not be a problem.

  8. Well, they see gore doing it, so why can't they?

  9. Yes, I Agree. It should first from companies and the Government should have policy to do that.


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