
Are computer viruses a thing of the past.?

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About 4 years ago I was getting computer viruses every other day. I can not remember the last time my anti-virus software (Norton 2008) Found a virus on my pc.

Thank you for your answers.




  1. Nope virus' are still alive and kicking but now Hacker's are finding and using new way's to access someones PC. They now use other method's of hacking such as cracking,Bruting and Phishing. Most hacker's are opportunist so because there were a big influx of Anti Virus and Anti Spy ware program's pop up they found other method's of gaining access to computer's.

  2. No - not in the past. Trojan somehow got through my Norton and crashed my computer 4 weeks ago. I have AVG now.

  3. definitely not, new threats are identified every day, often a virus can reach a critical state before the antivirus companies produce an update, this is the singular most important reason why you should be getting updates daily if possible. I don't rate norton, but the best way to avoid virus's/trojans/adware/spyware is by not using the internet, or to use it sensibly and avoid sites where virus's are prevalent (like keygen sites, p**n, hacking sites etc)

  4. Best Anti Virus is AVG please uninstall Norton2008 the download it AVG Antivirus on this website you problem could finish at soon possible Download  press  here

  5. That's probably because Norton is a virus. It has been proven by experts Norton is the worst at detecting viruses (Some earlier versions are better then 08). Some of the best protection is free (seriously, and it's not AVG). See my virus protection article for more:

    Also note, if you have security upgrades to you computer this may also aid to the prevention of viruses. You may have also been a frequent torrent user (That would explain all the viruses) and stopped using it because you realized the dangers of using them.


  7. I haven't had any threats but personally I think they will because in order to keep virus scanners like Norton in business there has to be viruses (Get where I'm getting at?)

    Besides if viruses vanish they'll always other stuff like trojan horses (where people put a program to spy on your passwords so they can use it as ID fraud)...

    I'm not trying to scare you.

  8. No its not in the past.

    Every day thousands of new threats erect.

    Always use your antivirus.  Norton is very good.  But dont ever let your guard down.

    ★Good Luck!

    If you need any help, feel free to email me via my profile page - Eric

  9. Hahahahhah. Hahahah. Hahahaaaaa. Ha.


    But a nice idea.

  10. If computer virus is of the past, companies like Symantec and Kaspersky is down :D

    Norton really slows your computer down, though. I will use other things, like BItdefender.

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