
Are condos a good investment?

by Guest33444  |  earlier

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What are the financial disadvantages of going condo vs. single family home. 1st time home buyer Needs educated help




  1. single family will always sell better (resale down the road) when you buy a condo - you have to pay the mortgage - the "assoc" fees (usually higher than anywhere else) and the nightmares of having irresponsible neighbors attached to you - I could write you a book! Ex: the neighbor has a bathroom leak that comes through the wall and ruins your bathroom. Guess what? the neighbor isn't going to fix it - you'll have to claim it on your homeowners insurance (if it's even covered) If you're a first time buyer - and can afford it - stick with single family!  

  2. condos are alittle more luxerious

  3. Advantages of a condo:

    - Cheaper than a similar size and condition home

    - No maintenance issues for the building itself (painting, roof repairs, gardening, watering)

    - Basic utilities like water, sewer, and trash are usually included, and sometimes hot water.

    Disadvantages of a condo:

    - You have to pay HOA dues, which can be increased by special assessments for additional complex repairs or amenities

    - You probably won't have a garage and may have to rent a storage unit

    - Parking can be an issue and you may have to pay for additional spots

    -  During a real estate market downturn, condos are usually the hardest hit by price reductions

    If you can find a livable single family home in your price range - even if it's smaller than a condo in a similar neighborhood and/or location, go for the house. It will appreciate in value faster, not fall in price as quickly, and you can always remodel or add on to it in the future.

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