
Are confederates nice people?

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Are confederates nice people?




  1. there are bad and good people in both the north and the south. wow someone doesnt know when to let go of history.

  2. The Confederate General (Robert E. Lee) thought slavery to be sinful & freed all his slaves some 10 years before the Civil war began.  Most are unaware that a significant number of southerners advocated offering freedom to slaves for serving in the armed forces, in the early stages of that War.  The Union used "The Emancipation Proclaimation" in 1863, more than 2 years after the war began, in hopes of denying the South the use of slave labor... not as a humanitarian gesture as many think.

    The Civil War was a tariff war, more so than a War to Free the slaves & abolistionists were a minority group until well into the War.  So therefore, confederates were both bad & good, as were Unionists.

  3. they can be pretty friendly....not so much to yankees and colored folk, as they say.

  4. are unionists nice people?

    i don't know. but i do know that based on current history that there are psychopaths, child beaters, and rapists in every culture. Therefore, it seems to be that there will always be good and bad people in any given society.

    I would say that you probably haven't studied American history, and haven't found out that less than 1/3 of the population of the South owned a slave. the other 2/3 couldn't afford slaves. and of that 1/3, less than 25% were wealthy plantation elite, which is where we hear the terrible stories about slavery from.

    think about it this way.

    the n**i regime is evil; not all the people in n**i germany who were poor germans were evil. they were not pointy horned, red eyed devil people running around with rifles. they were regular people with a society that believed that the Jews were the cause of all their problems. the real thing is that the n**i society was NOT nice. the people may or may not  have been.

    same with confederacy. the confederacy's strict suppression of the african american slaves was NOT nice. but the people may or may not have been nice.

  5. You can't judge a whole group of people unless you actually individually observe every Confederate and decide on an individual level.

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