
Are conservative Americans in favor of Family values and against porno, prostitution, guns and drugs ?

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or " just use the label " conservative" to be kocky ?




  1. A true conservative is in favor of the government staying out of his/her life.  It's the religious faction which added porno, prostitution, and drugs to the "naughty" list.  The rest of us think that if you'd like to get some hideous genital disease, have at it.  Just don't ask us to fix it for you.

  2. yes

  3. Prostitution - state's rights.  

    I have no problem with it being legal in Nevada.

    Now if they tried it here in Kansas, I think it would cause a lot of problems down on the farm.

    Porno - The internet makes 'state's rights' an impossible position to hold.

    Guns - All for owning guns, but it should be a crime punishible by death to use guns for shooting people for any reason except self-defense.

    Drugs - A great scourge, that needs to be dealt with.

    I have yet to hear about a heroin addict or crackhead who wasn't a parasite on society.

  4. I'm pretty sure nearly everyone I've known to call themselves "conservative" in America is not only not against guns, but owns several and is angered at the very thought of being against them.

  5. Conservatives are those iconoclasts who value freedom to live and family to love. Life is valuable to conservatives. Freedom does not mean the right to be chaotic.

    p**n and prostitution devalues life. The right to bear arms is actually the right to protect life. Strength inhibits many enemies from hurting others.

    The weakling or the unprotected is the one who gets hurt the most often, just like the runt piglet who dies from lack of strength to obtain milk.

  6. Where did you ever get the Idea that conservative was against guns? Conservatives have always been for gun ownership.

    I would say that from what I've learned in my life more liberals use drugs than conservatives, but I could be wrong.

    I would guess p**n would be a personal choice for either one, and Prostitution, well I would vote in favor of it being legal in certain areas. (though I know some fellow conservatives will disagree with me, but so to will some Liberals)

  7. I'm against all of them but guns. The reason? I own a gun. I like guns. I don't tolerate the rest.

  8. Republicans call themselves Neocons, but they love porno, drugs, w***e houses, coke, cocaine,  and they also support NRA.

    I wouldn't call Republicans " conservatives" at all!

    Conservatives live in Latin America, Asia and Arab World, not in USA or Europe!

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