
Are conservative barbies all the media rage?

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From the girl on The View to McCain's obssession over barbie pop stars, do conservatives like women blank, bleached and docile?




  1. Neocons will pant for any remotely attractive woman, since in real life they can't get within 100 yards of one.  

    Oh, and additional caveat: Ann Coulter is not a woman.  She's a demon in "human" form, the better to do her master's bidding.

  2. We can't help it if liberal women are ugly.

    EDIT: Incidentally, Elizabeth Hasselbeck shows a lot of courage and integrity by holding onto her values is the face of constant attacks by, not only those three conformist cackling hens around her, but nearly every empty-headed celebrity that comes on her show and disses her in one way or another.  Search "Elizabeth Hasselbeck dissed" on YouTube if you don't believe me.

  3. Yes, they don't have a clue about real, authentic beauty. Anyone who would rather have Ann Coulter for a role model for their children rather that someone like Michele Obama & Jill Biden is going to getting the empty (plastic) head life they deserve. I stopped watching "The View" about 2 weeks ago. I think it was about then they went on vacation re-runs & I noticed how my I was more relaxed. I loved the show but they insist on keeping that crazy barbie doll on there & I find in so irritating that I won't go back for more.

  4. Lashawn Barber, Condoleeza Rice.

    Conservative BLACK women. (They are not blondes nor docile.)

    Thank you.

  5. Yeah, Ann Coulter, Megyn Kelly & Laura Ingram ( to name a few blonde conservatives) are all blank & docile. They would eat you alive. Ever wonder why the Dems won't go on their shows and debate?

  6. Well I don't know, since I am none of those things. Are you saying that you don't like blondes? Because I can understand how some men are intimidated by women like that

  7. Conservative women run the show... we just let our men look like they are in charge.

  8. Neocons like their women on their back or in the kitchen. Arms get broken if they step out of line.

  9. it just goes to show... if your smart & s**y!!! chances are good your a conservative. smiles.

  10. They like em barefoot and pregnant.  

  11. It looks tht way, I guess that they feel all manly when they control their women, it is usually the kind they like to pick.  Doesn't say much for the women either if they let someone think for them.  Makes me want to hurl!  

  12. Yes it's true, we like good-looking women, our secret is out, I feel so ashamed.

    But we also like them to be smart and not obnoxiously loud (I know, Libs hate women like Dr. Rice, they are always telling me that.  I also know that they think women like Rosie O'Donnell and Joy Bayhart are brilliant and fun to be around, but they are not my cup of tea).

    Amber, I agree

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