
Are contact lenses tested on animals?

by  |  earlier

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Needs suggestions? More like Needs Brains. You're a r****d.




  1. To Needs Suggestions:  the question means, tested for safety.  I mean, they used to test painkillers on animals, but they didn't inflict pain to see if the painkiller dulled it (and if they had, they wouldn't have known what the animal was saying about it) - they just tested how many were a safe amount and if they had any bad effects, e.g. making the animal blind, killing it, etc.

    As for contact lenses, check the back of the pack.  And remember, there are so many medicines that we have that we only have because they were tested on animals.  Think about the lives that are saved - if a rabbit goes blind, it has saved thousands of people from going blind.  If a dog dies, it has saved thousands of people from death.  A necessary evil, I'm afraid.

  2. No.

  3. Who knows?

  4. Okay, Oscar. Now bark, if the image appears to be more clear, or less clear then the image on the right.

    haha, apparently no one here has a sense of humor.

    Thanks for the thumbs ups guys!

  5. some are, some aren't.  try daysoft or cooper vision.  some prominent brands like acuvue use animal tests but claim to be phasing them out.  i don;t know what the tests entail, have been trying to discover also.

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