
Are cops aloud into native reserves?

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My friend keeps going on that cops are not aloud to go into native reserve even if the person commits a crime like breaks something and then runs into the reserve. Is this true




  1. Actually the term is Reservation. It all depends on the state. There are five states (I believe) that are what are called 280 states. This refers to Public Law 280. The short answer is, if the state is a 280 state then local law enforcement has jurisdiction. This usually is the Sheriffs Department. I know for instance that California is a 280 state. Most other states are not. There can however be reciprocal agreements between Tribal Law Enforcement and local law enforcement. Reservations are not however a "safe zone". You can become subject to Tribal and federal law if you commit a crime on a reservation. And buddy, believe me you do not want to go there.

  2. Not in CO.

    I am authorized to affect an arrest anywhere in the state. If I make an arrest in the next city or out on the reservation all I need to do if inform the local cops I'm coming. Dept policy wants me to make an effort to have the locals present, but it is mandatory.

    Last year we sent a team down to SW CO to effect the rest of wanted party down on one of the reservations. Local PD turned up, but was aware that it was our show. No extradition issues etc.

  3. that is not true! at least not here in canada.

  4. yes, I was airsofting and they came in and told me to stop. It's like running from the police into another state, just because theres a sign that says a different state, they won't just automaticcaly stop right there and let you get away.

  5. Believe it or not , it's true. The exception is the FBI, or any Federal agency.

    .....after reading other posts.....

    Huh...OK, I have learned something. I thought I knew what I was talking about, but I guess not. Good to know....

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