
Are cops strapped up to the kazoo?

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Hi there, I got pulled over last night for a drunk stop check (I guess thats what its called), actually I didn't get pulled over..I just got checked to see if I was drinking which I was not. What I noticed was that many of the police officers had all sorts of weapons! that scared the **** out of me (im a nerd who studies most of the time so I am not used to seeing that)..they had tasers, stun guns, handguns of course, and various other weapons...are they all necessary?




  1. All these things are just tools. I used to work for an armored car company, all we had was a gun which only leaves one for the flash. The more tools you have then the more options you have. If your loved one was in a drunken stupor and an emotional wreck for whatever reason and law enforcement was called, wouldn't you want the least amount of force necessary to quell the problem. Each tool, gun/knife/baton/spray/taser/bean bag shotgun/lethal shotgun/etc.... each has it's strengths and weaknesses and are best suited for specific situations. No one does this job to kill people, we are placed into situations dictated by the ones involved and trusted by the public to be the least intrusive in their rights to solve the crime. So you like to study, look at the drop in officer/suspect injuries in dept's that employ different tools.

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