
Are corn snakes compatible with each other?

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I have had a creamsicle corn snake for about a year now and we just bought a slightly older corn snake today, at first when we put the new snake into the tank with the one I've had they were hesitant and a little scared... I just wanna know how they'll behave with each other and what they'll do.




  1. Snakes do not naturally live together.  Putting them together can cause stress.  It is not recommended as they must compete for warmth and hiding spaces.  Cannibilism is rare but happens.

  2. Corn snakes are generally fine with companions but a couple guidelines should be followed:

    - Only house corn snakes together that are no more than 6 inches apart.

    - Only house females with females or males with females. Males with males usually ends up with injuries, etc.

    - Make sure there are enough hiding spots to allow them to both be on the hot and cool side at the same time without crowding the other.

    - Generally you want to add 20 gallons of tank room per corn snake you have with a base of 30. So if you have two, you'd want a 50 gallon, and if you have three, you'd want a 70 gallon and so on.

  3. Same s*x..not good

    Opposite s*x....they will be fine...

  4. You can mix corns with corns. Keep them fed, and feed them seperatly.


    they are solitary animals that dont like the company of other snakes. they only come together to breed in the wild otherwise avoid each other like the plague. dont put them in the same vivarium

    putting them together leads to stress, stress leads to aggression and/ or illness and a generally unhappy snake

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