
Are counsellors confidential in all situations, like sexual abuse..

by  |  earlier

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if you told your consellor about sexual abuse from someone in your family and you were under 16 then do they have to tell?

if they do, who are you supposed to talk to without getting everyone in trouble and ruining your family?




  1. yes, they may tell or report it to police. ask before you say anything, but sounds like the family is already ruined if they are abusing each other...  

  2. yes the counsellor is legally bound to report to the relevant authorities if you are under 18. The abused person is not in trouble and the family is not ruined by the abused person. The person who has ruined the family is the abuser. Help and support this person who will need a friend when this comes out. The abuser needs to be removed from the situation and the abused person needs to be in a safe place.

  3. yes they are versitile in all situations

  4. Yes, they have to report it to the police, who in turn, reports it to DSS. They are mandated reporters, and by law, they HAVE to report it, or risk losing their license.

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