
Are counselors/therapists generally more empathetic than psychologists?

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Are counselors/therapists generally more empathetic than psychologists?




  1. I have been to therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, and psychologists and I would choose a psychologist over any of the rest any day. My psychologist has helped me more in 2 years than my psychiatrists helped in 6 years. They don't rush you, they don't push you beyond your limits of what you can talk about and what you can't talk about, they help give you answers when you don't know the answer you are searching for, they have ways of helping you deal with your issues besides talk, I would be lost without my psychologist to help me deal with all I have had to deal with, he has been a God send to me.

  2. No. I am a therapist working on getting my license to become a psychologist and in my work experiences, there are both empathic and unempathetic people in both groups. I think psychologists can get a bad rep sometimes because they are portrayed to be jaded and cold as a result of their many years of schooling and perhaps hospital work experience, but definitely does NOT represent the majority of psychologists.

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