
Are countries becoming irrelavant with the powerful corporations manipulating governments???

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Are countries becoming irrelavant with the powerful corporations manipulating governments???




  1. It's the power behind the governments doing the manipulating. These powers own the powerful corporations. It's a sewn up sow's ear.

  2. Citizens as part of nations can make sure nations do not become irrelevant for the reason a power full U.N. Peacekeeping Effort comprised of citizens could keep the peace. What meant make The Peacekeeping a U.N. backed effort to protect rights similar in scale to WW2. A U.N. capable of actually stopping this. Much Pressure from citizens to make U.N. strong required. Last time revolution  did the work. This time around a strong U.N. could protect rights by sending U.N. with real soldiers to use attitude of science fiction writer. Aware people might think my ideas silly.   Notice something on similar subject about Bhutto relative wanting U.N.probe in to assassination of Benazir Bhutto. There are people of opinion that such investigations are silly in soveriegn countries. An idea less silly might be for Pakistan id desire there to become as strong supporter of a strong U.N. Which could help keep peace in Pakistan if desire is there to have such a U.N. prescence there. Wonder if true relative wants U.N. Probe.

  3. Yep. But it's not over yet. Vote people, vote!

  4. yes

  5. USA anyone?

  6. Let me guess... you believe in the Tri-Lateral Commission, too, don't you!?

    Awww..... c'mon.... get real.  SOME Corporations may be powerful, but on the whole, they do NOT dictate policy to governments.  There is not proof of any sort of general conspiracy regarding this.

    Have a right-wing day.

  7. If countries are irrelevant, then why don't all of them give up their armies?  I think then you would find out how very relevant countries still are.

    The sad part is how few people seem to realize that the growing power of corporations is actually a good thing...since corporations have that incentive to make profits.  As we have learned with China, economic cooperation is far more prosperous than waging war.

    Frankly, I think corporations would do a better job of running this planet than governments have.  Governments really do want to kill each other...corporations have more incentive to cooperate.

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