
Are coyoties scared of people?

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My friends and i live far out in the country and sometimes we sleep outside on a half made stage. The stage is half foot away from a coyotie crowded woods. And we are terified and wanna know if coyoties will chase us or will they even come close to us we sleep with two full grown gold dogs i think either retriver or lab and will fight them off but we are still terified. PLEASE ..... WILL COYOTIES CHASE US OR ARE THEY SCARED OF US WE ARE ABOUT 5'4 5'5 4'9




  1. Unless they're ill/starving/rabid,  odds are they won't bother you beyond simple curiosity.  But, if you're terrified of doing this perhaps it's not your thing and yes, animals will sense your fear . Perhaps you could rent a camper ?  

    However, I'd worry about the dogs.  The idea of them 'fighting off' coyotes is a very bad one.  Always try to avoid any  interaction between domestic and wild animals. Your dogs could be exposed to disease not to mention being wounded or even killed by the wild animals.

  2. It depends on the coyote. If they're really hungry and see someone about the same size as them and you're alone, they might take you on. You're right that your dog might be the best bet. An air horn could help too. They would probably avoid you if you had fire burning nearby. You might want to put up a tent and don't keep food nearby.

  3. My experience says yes they are scared of humans but I really think it depends on the situation. I know a girl that would feed the coyotes at her ranch and they'd come real close.

  4. They might be a little nosey and come creeping around from a distance IF that even happens, most of the time coyotes and wolves are terrified of people.

  5. they will hurt your dogs  i got a wolf and they stay away now

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