
Are cranberry supplements (capsules) REALLY effective against UTIs?

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or at least in preventing them?




  1. You get the same benefits for cheaper if you just drink a glass of 100percent cranberry juice with breakfast every morning. You get the same effects, with more antioxidants, with pomegranate juice too... So if you drink EITHER of them every day, it will keep your urinary tract in bacterial balance.

    But YES, it is 100% true that it helps fight one off and helps prevent them in the first place. One of the FEW "alt" medicine concepts that meets the criteria of having SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE!

    Pills are expensive and you get more enjoyment out of just drinking a 8 oz glass of juice every day.

    BUT PLEASE REMEMBER... IF the bacteria over comes the juice and you DO get an infection... DO NOT rely on the juice to "Cure" you... It can HELP you but you are 100x better off just going to the doctor and getting MEDICATION to compliment the juice...

    If you have ever had one, you know how bad it hurts... Don't wait WEEKS for the Cranberry Juice to help kill off the bacteria... Get the med's and just drink the juice every day to help prevent them in the future.

  2. Yes as it can even flush out e-coli out of the urinary tract. there is also a new report that cranberry juice can stop some cancers in women. Always get the 100% juice and never the sweetened cocktail.

  3. Bakunyu is dead on about the scientific proof for cranberries and UTIs.  One important note is that the Ocean Spray stuff won't do it.  Those juices have a good deal of water and sugar added.  Look for more of the pure stuff, either in seed-flour form or 100% cranberry juice.  While pomegranite is good for overall health, it has not shown to be as effective on UTIs.

  4. yes, and one could also take some Oil of Oregano and Olive Leaf Extract.

  5. cranberry juice / extract, pills, are excellent way to flush out toxins and clear out blood and filter c**p out thru urine, so yes they will be beneficial to you and your UTI problem.  

  6. idk, but i know drinking cranberry juice helps them go away faster.

  7. There is no definite answer for this one yet. Some say yes and some say no. There are studies going on to answer this but I havent heard any results yet.

  8. They help prevent but they not treat UTIs.  Oil of oregano capsules will knock out UTIs after they have started--I have used when needed for over 10 years.  Cranberry keeps the microbes from attaching to the bladder wall, but once attached the microbes do not get dislodged through using cranberry.  Also drink LOTS of water.  

  9. yes they help clean out. the capsules r just like drinking straight cranberry juice.(but don't have any other flavors with the juice)

  10. Yes, 100% they will help. I used to get UTI's constantly but my gyne told me to start taking them and it really helped. Other important things are going to the bathroom immediately before and after s*x. If you aren't having s*x then there are other reasons you're getting them, such as, tight pants, thongs, etc. Good luck and yes I recommend the cranberry pills. Hope this helped.

  11. i have been getting alot of UTIS i tried the cranberry supplements. im not sure if they are working to treat or even prevent

    please let me know if you get any information on this

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