
Are curtains near a hot water heater dangerous?

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I have a closet in my entrance/laundry room that has the hot water heater in it, as well as our clothes (divided by a wooden panel). I would like to replace the old panel sliding doors that keep falling off the dented and bent tracks. I would like to put up panel curtains from Ikea. Is this dangerous? The will come just above the floor and about 6 inches away from the heater. The closet is 7 1/2 Feet long. Any other ideas if this is not safe?




  1. If it is in a closet, I am assuming that it is a electric water heater...?  Nowhere on the outside of an electric water heater does the temperature get anywhere close to setting curtains on fire. If it is a gas water heater, if you keep combustibles away from the exhaust(metal pipe that goes out the top of the heater) you will be ok.  The 6 1/2" should be a plenty.  There should be information in the owners manual if available that explains proper clearance distances. If the manual is not available, search the make and model on the internet to find the required info.

  2. As long as it is not touching and far enough away it should be fine. You can also spray the fabric with fire retardant.  

  3. not a good thing to do, heat can burn your curtains, by spontaneous combustion , maybe a source of fire proof curtains might work, i would check with the fire dept. ask them

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