
Are democrats or republicans better at economic policy?

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It seems the Clinton years were considerably better than the Bush years in economic terms:




  1. it doesn't matter who is in power.

    whilst ever the power to produce money is in the hands of a few private bankers, then they control the nation. you could put the dalai lama, benjamin franklin or even the most ardent humanist in power and it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference, if the federal reserve is still allowed to exist.

    unconstitutional income tax, illegal wars (for profit for the big boys) surrendering of rights and the enslavement of the people will continue.

    you're already 35% percent there - that's roughly what americans pay in taxes isn't it? all this money goes straight to pay interest to the federal reserve. hmmm, so you work 4 months of the year for a bunch of private bankers who give you nothing in return. that's what i call slavery.

  2. it does seem that the dems balance the budget and the repubes love red ink. mcbain wants to cut taxes, how will he balance the budget? small cuts on pork will not do it.

  3. This unstoppable world crisis will fuel protectionism all over the World. Dems are protectionists.

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