
Are democrats trying to scare all the rich out of the country?

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The Soviets denied their citizens travel for decades, over fear of a "brain drain" (that is, they would lose all their scientists). I wonder if the same will happen to the rich in the United States...




  1. What do you think is happening now?  Only they are not being sacred away.  Look at all the companies setting up shop overseas to get cheap labor and then sell their junk back home.  Should not be allowed.  We should ban their d**n products from being imported back.  

  2. It absolutely will.  If you're telling me that you are going to take a bigger chunk of my money and give it to chronic-welfare recipients, drug addicts, prisons, illegals, or anyone else that has done nothing to earn it, he11 yes I am leaving.

  3. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Rich people like to think that they provide jobs and are vital to the economy. It's LABOR that enriches them. I'd like to see some Argentine-style worker co-ops here.  

  4. The democrats are not trying to scare the rich out of the country, they are merely trying to limit the amount of profit that they can get out of consumers in markets such as oil where speculation has nothing to do with conditions of the industry. Democrats seek to reform these markets so that the middle class consumer can live comfortably and be able to compete in our capitalist economy.  

  5. The TSA sure makes it hard to travel.  Face facts.  

    Conservatives deported five million Mexicans from California alone.  And people wonder why the housing market failed.  Face facts.

    In California conservatives recalled a good and experienced man from the governor's office and replaced him with known sexual offender and steroid user.  "I would say most of these stories are not true"  Gov. Arnold, October 2003.

    Stubborn facts.

  6. The democrats are the rich. Democrats per capita have much more money than the republicans.

    The democrats policy is much better for those who are rich, but is bad for those who want to become rich, or more accurately, well off enough to be independent and secure which is what is the goal of most who work hard to gain more money in the US, usually.

    The democrats deal is that the ruling class and the very rich will be much more powerful and secure in their control if those who are not rich are kept under control and dependent on them.

    The democrats are doing what communist movements do, promising the money of the rich to the poor in exchange for power ... BUT when it all comes down the only benefactors are the governing class, and the poor are made poorer than ever, and more easy to control.

    Funny how the poor schmucks who go along with so called people's movements play right into their own doom, and never see it coming, though it's happened many times and happens that way every single time it ocures.

  7. America is a country for all. Not for just the rich. I don't think Republicans understand that.

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