
Are dems, once again, making a mountain out of a mole hill?

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Democrats, like Michael Moore and a couple of US senators, are making light of hurricane Gustav that is bearing down on the Gulf coast. I've read a few "questions" lately that are attempting to blame the Republicans for this hurricane...bringing down the "wrath of God" on them; Moore has likewise insinuated that God is repaying the Republicans for a supposed prayer made by "all Republicans" that it would rain on Obama's acceptance speech at the DNC.

Anyone that cares to know the truth of the matter can simply click on the link below and find out that it was not, in fact, Dobson that called for rain. Dobson had no knowledge of this video when it was made or aired. Most Republicans had no knowledge of the plea and besides, it was a harmless bit if satire.

What the dems are proposing, however, is that many innocent people of their own party will be put in danger from the hurricane brought on by the republican's earlier, misguided prayer.

Are dems, once again, making a mountain out of a mole hill?




  1. Like i said to a previous question


    a republican post said

    "I wonder how many obama supporters will die in Gustav"

    People like this can not simply be classified as a democrat or republican. THEY ARE NEITHER. People who speak like this should not be allowed to vote. They obviously do not care about the main principle of voting which is OUR COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE

  2. Please, Michael Morre does not speak for the party, anymore than does that preacher who was calling for devastating rains to wash out the Obama appearance at Mile High stadium. You know that. I know that. And most anyone with 2 eyes and a brain knows that.

    I wonder still why the Bush administration appointed a horse judge to head a disaster relief agency, and then Bush had the gall to show up and tell him in front of the TV cameras and the nation (and God), what a fine job he was doing? They had had 4 years to get it 'together," post 911, for just such an emergency, and they couldn't even figure out how to drop bottled water and sandwiches to the starving masses from a helicopter.

  3. Seeing as McCain might not even show up to his own convention implies that the Republicans are making this Hurricane a "mountain out of a mole hill."

  4. No, but you are. Is this the first election that you have tried to keep up with? This c**p happens  every election year. You just have to sort out the junk and use common sense here.

  5. Humicanes hit evrybody in it's path no matter if your are a Demo or Reblug - and no body can do a thing about it. Demo stink this election

    with Obama saying I'll make changes but what changes? He don"t say.

    He has Zero experience runnning anything. Bag of hot air. McCain on the other hands has a wide range of expenience and more growen up to handle the problems we are haveing. And no bombs have gone off in the U.S. & we are winning the battle in Iraq. We have to stay the path we choose!

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